Litter and Solid Waste Control
Keep Lincoln County Beautiful Mission Statement:
To measurably reduce litter on all highways, streets and byways throughout Lincoln County and to reduce materials going into its landfills by instilling pride, a positive attitude and behavior change regarding natural resource conservation, littering, recycling and proper solid waste management, and beautification.
Lincoln County passed a Litter Ordinance on March 1, 1999
The intent of this Ordinance is to promote a clean, healthy, safe and attractive environment in which to live by reducing the accumulation of litter and trash throughout the County. Key parts of this new Ordinance are summarized below to help the public be better informed about what is expected for compliance.
- ·It is unlawful to discard any garbage or compostable trash on any public or private property, except in designated receptacles
- ·Any materials being transported by vehicle must be secured to prevent blowing or falling from the vehicle
- ·Drivers are responsible for immediate cleanup of any materials or objects that escape their vehicle
- ·No litter or refuse shall be put in a public receptacle except for materials designated for that container
- ·Garbage must be stored in leak-free, enclosed containers with any spillage or overflow to be cleaned up immediately
- ·Persons owning or occupying property shall keep their property, sidewalks and right-of-way in front of their premises free of garbage and trash.
- ·Adequate containers capable of holding generated garbage and trash until final disposal is accomplished, must be provided by the person in charge of the property.
- ·Any accumulation of non-contained garbage or trash on any public or private property is a violation of this ordinance
- ·Any trash from construction, repair or alteration of any building shall be contained and removed in a timely fashion by the contractor or contracting building owner
- ·Trees, limbs and brush cut by a contractor or person performing such task shall be removed at that person's expense
- ·Household garbage that is contained in covered receptacles will be collected on a scheduled basis by the county or its agent
- ·The County Solid Waste/Litter Coordinator or any uniformed county officer may issue written notices or citations for violations of this ordinance
- ·Failure to comply with correctives notices will result in fines and penalties
· Penalties include:
- 1st offense -- citation and minimum $50 fine
- 2nd offense -- $50 - $250 fine
- Further violation -- $250 - $500 fine/community service and/or jail
- Property not cleaned up within 30 days of correction notice, may be removed by the county with fines and cleanup cost charged to the owner
How to dispose of waste in Lincoln County
- Tires - Take to the District 2 Barn (FREE)
- White goods (refrigerators, stoves, air conditioners) - Take to City Dump (Fee/item)
- Non-hazardous solid waste (mattresses, sofas, roofing, etc. - Take to City Dump (Dumping Fee Charged)
- Hazardous waste (oils, antifreeze, chemicals, paints, pesticides, etc.)- Safely store for Hazardous Waste Cleanup Day
- How to report Highway litters - report type of vehicle, tag number and location of littering to: 1-800-545-3764 or cellular dial *47
- Need someone to give group presentation on ways to reduce litter - 833-4126
- Keep Lincoln County Beautiful Projects -- ways you can help
- Feedback to Keep Lincoln County Beautiful - Send your ideas to KLCB at
Litter Survey in Lincoln County
Keep Lincoln County Beautiful is a chapter of Keep America Beautiful. An annual Litter Survey is required of each chapter to determine progress on controlling litter. A new measurement scale was introduced in 2000 and now used by Keep America Beautiful chapters throughout the U.S. is now being used to evaluate how littered an area is on a scale of 1 to 4. (See a picture of each rating on the Litter Examples link)